leda Compilation of Spatially Resolved Kinematics of galaxies site

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Search the bibliography of resolved kinematics



The goal of the present project is to built a catalogue gathering references to all spatially resolved studies, for galaxies of all types, whatever the gas or stellar content is concerned.

The catalogue started by assembling the lists of Corradi and Capaccioli (1990), Prugniel and Simien (1996), and Demin et al. (1997). The catalogue of rotation curves, by Baiesi-Pillastrini G.C., Palumbo G.G.C. and Vettolani G., was already included in the latter lists. The catalogue is regularly updated by scanning the literature.

The originally published catalogue contained 4165 observations of 2070 galaxies referring to 743 published papers. The largest source was Mathewson et al. (1992) (Halpha velocity profiles of 970 galaxies) representing about 25% of the whole catalogue.

Statistics of the bibliography of resolved kinematics

About rotation curves of galaxies, we recommend the reading of the review paper: "Rotation curves of spiral galaxies", 2001 ARA 39, 137 (Sofue and Rubin)

Description of the catalogue

The catalogue consists in three files: This catalogue is published by: Prugniel Ph., Zasov A., Busarello G., Simien F.
The tables may be found at the CDS.

HyperLeda Questions: prugniel@obs.univ-lyon1.fr