!! Example of file to be uploaded for list query to HyperLeda !! Blank lines are ignored !! lines starting with "!!" are un-echoed comments !! lines starting with "!" are comment echoed to the output ! Simple query with name ESO193-012 ESO193-012 ! There is flexibility on the format for writing names eso 193 g 012 ! Select the nearest object to a position (up to a distance of 90 arcsec) nearest:J000331.2-505611 nearest:B 0 0 58 -51 12 48 nearest:B000058.3-511253 ! Nearest object in HyperLeda to the position of an object resolved in NED or Simbad nearest:ned:virgo a nearest:simbad:virgo a ! Select the nearest object to a position (up to a distance of 300 arcsec) nearest:[J000331.2-505611, 300.] ! Object named "ESO193-012" in NED and Simbad ned:ESO193-012 simbad:ESO193-012 !! END